Littéraires - Generation Tent - JD

Generation Tent - JD

Generation Tent - JD

Par LIBRE-LIVRE , le 13 Mai 2023

With his novel based on real-life experiences, author JD (John Dohmen) invites readers into the world of being homeless, but in Chelsea, a part of London usually associated with the capital’s ‘shiny’ people. Told as a diary and set in 2016, Generation Tent’s late twenty’s protagonist shares how he came to call the streets of Chelsea his home; and how rising house prices, austerity and the ever growing presence of cocaine play a significant role in derailing the hopes and dreams of many a Millennial.

Published on 30th March 2023, Generation Tent will have readers catching their breath in disbelief that being homeless in Chelsea is even possible. And the fact this novel is based on the author’s own personal experience will further reinforce its standing as an exceptional must-read. Ironically while the author was homeless, he was still working in a good job and set up a successful fashion business.

Taking the form of a diary that heads back to 2016, the author writes with an eloquence that initially seems at odds with the environment and events that his protagonist is facing. Appreciating that his situation is the result of faults of his own as well as consequences out of his hands, the novel also apprises readers of the societal issues that played a role in his descent into temporary obscurity, including the consequences of the Brexit vote and being an active participant of London’s £1 billion a year cocaine trade.

A novel of dreams, failures and particularly relevant as the nation is immersed further into austerity and spiralling inflation, Generation Tent is far from a despondent read. Rather, it enlightens, entertains and introduces some great characters from Chelsea’s streets that you can’t help but think would be a joy to meet in the flesh.


The year is 2016 and the UK is at a crossroads. Amidst the challenges of the European vote, the upper millennial is plagued by soaring house prices, rising homelessness and austerity. Based on a true story, John Dohmen finds himself living in a tent in central London and humorously guides us through a generation on the brink of an existential crisis.

 The author says:

“The story is told day-by-day and sometimes weekly; in this respect it is similar to a diary. It also deals with the confusion of a generation that finds it hard to accumulate wealth, and the subsequent poor decisions made when in such an environment.

“Although there is a protagonist, the book is just as much about the characters that are surrounding him and their quests, dreams and failures.”

 Published by Olympia Publishers, Generation Tent (ISBN No: 978-1800748613) is available in paperback (£9.99) and Kindle format (£2.99) on Amazon at and

 About the author:

J.D is an ex-vagrant, entrepreneur and reviewer who has recently become an author. This true story is about his homeless experiences in 2016 on the streets of London and the other irregular characters that surrounded him during that time.  A time where himself and the country were at a crossroads.

Editeur : Olympia Publishers

Nombre de pages : 314 pages

Prix : £9.72 


Generation Tent - JD


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